New Zealand’s Newest Apple Variety Dazzle has arrived in China with large celebrations at Wholesale Markets as Importers and Retailers race to get a taste of Dazzle Apples.

It’s the first year that there have been large volumes of Dazzle apples available for Chinese customers and they weren’t wasting any time to get their hands on the delicious, red, sweet apple from New Zealand.

Joy Wing Mau’s International Buyer, Mr.Li Bin was involved in the launches at Guangzhou and Shanghai Wholesale Markets and says it is very exciting to have access to larger volumes of Dazzle Apples for the Chinese Consumers this year.

“We are so happy and very excited to introduce Dazzle apples. Dazzle is a variety which we know has been specifically developed for the Asia market, with its sweet, crunchy and delicious taste, as well as good storability.

“There is a strong brand and it’s great to be part of a successful launch which will help us promote Dazzle to Chinese consumers. We value our strong relationship with New Zealand apple growers and suppliers.”

The New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Trade Commissioner, Pete Frost presented at the celebrations and cut the ribbon, officially launching Dazzle apples to the China market, saying New Zealand’s apple industry is rated the best in the world.

“New Zealand apple growers are agile and innovative. They use world-leading science and technology to deliver to ever-changing customer demands. The New Zealand horticulture industry is investing in new varieties, which are earning premium prices in the global marketplace.”

“New Zealand apples enjoy popularity among Chinese consumers because New Zealand fresh produce has a good image which connects with high-quality apples, grown in favourable natural conditions,” said Mr Frost.

Dazzle Apples were developed over 20 years by Plant and Food Research – a New Zealand Government Crown Research Institute.

They are exclusively available from a selected group of exporters and are set to be one of the most popular and largest volume apples coming from New Zealand

Bostock New Zealand International Market Manager, Jane Maclean says Bostock New Zealand saw frenzied market demand and high prices for Dazzle in other premium Asia markets in 2020, but the China market was slow in the wake of Covid-19.

“It’s really reassuring and exciting to see how successful the 2021 China launch has gone.  We now look forward to seeing that positive early noise translate into the same strong sales and consumer appetite we are seeing in other markets”

“Bostock New Zealand also have our first organic Dazzle shipments on the water to China to four different key retailers, with demand for our organic well in excess of our available volume this year.”

The Dazzle apple exporters have collaboratively invested in the apple brand and strong marketing programmes in the global markets.

“We are working closely with our retailers on individual Dazzle branded packaging and promotions to hopefully mirror the success of the wholesale launch across the retail sector,” said Ms Maclean.

Mr Apple Global Sales and Marketing Manager, Ben McLeod says the quality of the New Zealand apple crop this year is exceptional.

“This season we’re seeing the quality of Dazzle just get better and better.  Brilliant colour and an intense flavour – this variety is showing us that it’s capable of great things.  We’re thrilled to see the performance in market and we’re confident that consumers are going to love Dazzle.”

Dazzle apples are now available at selected retailers and through importers in China and Vietnam.

Exclusive Exporters of Dazzle include Bostock New Zealand, Mr Apple, Freshmax, Taylor Corp, Pickmee and Golden Bay Fruit.